The power is in the personal

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

The other day I happened upon this Instagram post from Lucy Hitchcock, all about how we so often hide behind “we” as small business owners, when we should be proudly talking about ourselves as “I” (unless, of course, you actually do have a team, in which case: give your team the credit they deserve.)

As someone who’s spent her entire career writing for small business owners, I couldn’t agree more: it’s just one of the ways that we (and I do mean we this time) play small when we talk about what we do. It’s sneaky, because it feels like the opposite: we can trick ourselves into thinking that we’re playing big, because we’re literally acting as if our team is bigger. But in reality, we’re covering for the fact that it’s just us in our businesses because we feel like it’s something to be ashamed of, something to cover up. Well, I’m here to tell you its not.

The power is in the personal.

When you’re talking about your business, the power is in the personal. When you’re going through your customer journey, the power is in the personal. When you think about what makes you stand out, the power is in the personal.

Big companies are out there spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on strategy and social media to “hey bestie” their way into consumer’s lives — but you can do that just by being you. Pretty magical, huh?

Ellie Kime

Ellie Kime is a writer, podcaster and speaker who's passionate about helping small business owners bring out the *person* in their personal brands. She's the founder of Eleanor Mollie and The Enthusiast as well as the co-host of RE: The Podcast. She's currently reconsidering her relationship with consumption and has recently gotten into F1, and is having considerable trouble reconciling the two.

Check out her services here.


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